Belize has announced that Belize’s sole international port of call, Philip Goldson International Airport (BZE), is due to open from August 15th, 2020 as part 5 of the countries reopening process after coronavirus, for the first time since shutdowns began in the region in March.

Belize has had minimal cases of Covid-19 (less than 50 confirmed cases as of the writing of this article). The country benefits from being off the mainstream tourism and travel paths, having a small population of only 360,000 that is relatively spread out, and has only a few major ways into the small country, which allows for more complete screening of all who enter the country.

But what will this mean for tourists wishing to visit Belize after August 15, and what restrictions will still be in place?

The government of Belize have released the following policies and guidelines for tourists wishing to enter the country from August 15th onwards;

Pre-Travel Arrangements:

As a part of the pre-travel process, the passenger should start by booking their flight and hotel. Opening of hotels will be in a phased approach, and the first grouping of hotels that will be allowed to open include properties that:

Entry Requirements:

All visitors to Belize will be required to:

At the Airport:

Philip Goldson International Airport has implemented enhanced cleaning and sanitization protocols. These include:


Residents and visitors departing from Belize will also see new enhanced health and safety measures implemented.  Some of these new measures include:

How easy will it be to travel to Belize?

As you will see when you visit Belize, whilst the rules are pretty strict, they do allow unfettered access to tourists wishing to visit the country.  The requirement that visitors will need to have negative result from a COVID-19 test may be a minor inconvenience, but for the time being it the way the travel industry will be moving in this Coronavirus world.

How will this affect the Lets Buy An Island project and Coffee Caye?

Belize tourism

In late 2019 purchased Coffee Caye in Belize in an idyllic location not far from Belize City and BZE Airport, and whilst we have visited on numerous occasions, since the worldwide pandemic began we have been unfortunately unable to return as we have wanted to. We had planned a party on the island for later this year for our investors and friends, but this was obviously cancelled as more pressing problems spread around the world.

No one can predict the future, particularly when you factor in the possibility of a second wave of the virus, but we are confident this should mean we are able to move forward with raising finance for our project and indeed in to visit and develop the island as a resort in the days ahead of us.

With the reopening of Belize, we are seeing the first steps towards returning to “normal” in our new home, and we are excited to have you join us (safely)! We hope you will want to visit and support the beautiful country of Belize and all that it has to offer!

Do you have any questions about visiting Belize, Coffee Caye, or the new rules put in place? Contact us!