Lets Buy An Island Kickstarter

The world is starting to open up again – Belize included – as we all learn to live with the realities of this Coronavirus situation and find a balance between the old normal and the new one. For the Let’s Buy an Island project, this means it’s time to refocus on developing our beautiful new island off the coast of Belize City!

One of the things we have been looking at since the start of this project has been some kind of Let’s Buy An Island Kickstarter. Sadly, circumstances got in the way and that has been delayed, until now!

What will the Kickstarter be?

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform through which we can help fund the infrastructure on our island, Coffee Caye. What infrastructure will we build, what are we planning? Well, that is up for discussion as of now – you can read more about what we might potentially build here.

What can we offer for sale? This is something that we are discussing with our friends, neighbors, barbers, bartenders and investors, but we see many potentials on this one. Here are some of the items we’re considering (though nothing is final yet):

  • Citizenship, lordships and ladyships! This is a nice easy one and again something that we already offer. This would be at the bottom of our price structure.
  • Stays at the resort – A nice simple one. As we’re building resort, we might as well make it available to our supporters!
  • Naming rights to parts of the island – This is one that particularly excites us. We have different areas of the island, including a large beach, tons of trees, soon-to-be-built buildings, big rocks, coastlines, “territorial” waters, etc. Surely we can sell naming rights to some of these, and perhaps even our “Capital City”. What would you pay to see your name or that of a loved one etched onto a commemorative plaque?

Naming rights for Coffee Cay itself – This would be the biggest and most controversial one, but as we own the island we are also allowed change the name. This one would create intense debate though. This is not one we would sell cheaply at all – and any names of this magnitude would need some sort of approvals (remember Boaty McBoatface?!)

And that largely summarizes our current plans with regards to setting up an LBI Kickstarter. Join us to be part of the ever-evolving process that is the Let’s Buy An Island project!
