We’ve had lots of interest in our project recently and we are really glad that lots more people are getting to hear about us.
We love answering your questions as it gives us an opportunity to tell everyone about our aims and objectives, which to summarise are to buy an island!
We’re an international community of like-minded investors and travelers committed to supporting a unique environment catering to adventurers, explorers, students and families alike. We are dedicated to creating a socially responsible, eco-friendly, self-sustaining island property designed to rent to travelers who can visit, live, relax and enjoy the solitude of nature, and the joys of staying on a private island.
Lots of us dream of owning a private island but few can afford such luxury outright. Island Buying Group was created to make this fantasy a reality for its members. Investment in a private island is an investment in the value of the land, but also in a lifestyle opportunity to have a private island getaway for its owners.
For a share price of USD 3,250, investors own an equal share of IBG Inc., a fully registered company that will own the island. Our ultimate intention is to earn profits from day-to-day business activities on the island.
One of our favourite things about IBG Inc. thus far has been the opportunities to get together with our members in cities around the world and on island hunting expeditions. So far we have had groups meeting up for social events in London, New York, and Hong Kong as well as group visits to islands in Ireland, Belize and Estonia.
Still got questions? Contact Us or come and meet us at our next meet up. We will be in central London at 1 pm on 31st August for anyone who wants to find out more. Please let us know if you would like to meet us!