Buying an Island in the Coronavirus era

With the advent of coronavirus and its quick change into a pandemic, those initial days in 2018 when a bunch of friends decided to buy a tropical island seem like decades ago.  Despite all this, we remain positive and optimistic! We are now over two years into the project that would turn itself into Let’s […]

How to Survive on A Desert Island

How to survive on a desert island? We asked our local Islandian expert! I’m Joel Gallagher, commander-in-chief at Reaper Feed. I joined the team at Let’s Buy an Island last year and haven’t looked back since! A few months ago, I wrote a book called the Military Grade Travel Guide, which provides possibly life saving […]

Unsere neue Insel: Coffee Caye – Kaufen wir eine Insel

Ende Dezember kaufte IBG Inc. – besser bekannt als Let’s Buy An Island – schließlich Coffee Caye, eine Insel im Herzen von Belize, einem versteckten Juwel in der Karibik. Wir könnten nicht begeisterter sein und einige von uns konnten es kaum erwarten, unser neues Anwesen zu besuchen! Fünf von uns landeten an einem schönen Samstagnachmittag […]

Abbiamo Comprato un’isola [We Bought an Island]

All’inizio del 2018, un piccolo gruppo di persone si è riunito con l’obiettivo di raccogliere fondi per acquistare un’isola da qualche parte, ovunque… In effetti, per cominciare, le cose erano un po’ vaghe. Il piano era di convincere circa 120 persone a investire $ 3250 e raccogliere $ 400k per acquistare un’isola. Quindi avremmo poi aggiunto un’infrastruttura […]

La Nostra Nuova Isola: Coffee Caye [Our New Island: Coffee Caye]

Alla fine di dicembre 2019, IBG Inc. – più comunemente conosciuta come Let’s Buy An Island   – ha finalmente acquistato Coffee Caye, un’isola nel cuore del Belize, una gemma nascosta nei Caraibi. Non potremmo essere più entusiasti e alcuni di noi non vedono l’ora di visitare la nostra nuova proprietà! Il fondatore di LBI Marshall, ci indica […]

우리는 섬을 샀어요! 

2018년 초, 섬을 사는 게 꿈인 몇 명의 청년들이 모였습니다. 목적은 크라우드펀딩으로 섬을 살 수 있는지, 한번 도전해 보는 것이었죠. 첫 시작인 만큼 확실한 게 없었지만, 실천 방법은 간단했습니다. 120명의 투자자로부터 3,250 달러 씩 자금을 조달하여 총 40만 달러의 목돈으로 섬을 하나 사 보고 수익사업으로 활용할 수 있도록 인프라를 개발시킬 생각이었죠. 그런데 이 프로젝트를 살리려면 […]


12월 말, Let’s Buy an Island(레츠바이앤아일랜드, “섬을 사자”)라는 이름으로 알려진 회사 IBG Inc.는 커피섬(Coffee Caye, 혹은 Coffee Island)을 샀습니다. 중미 벨리즈에 있는 이 섬은 카리브해의  숨은 보석과 같습니다. 이 귀하고 아름다운 곳을 가진다는 것에 대해서 더 기쁠 나위가 없었고 주인으로서 섬에 놀러갈 것을 사는 순간부터 손꼽아 기다리고 있었죠. Let’s Buy an Island 창립자 마샬(Marshall)이 커피섬 […]

Our New Island: Coffee Caye

In late December, IBG Inc. – more commonly known as Let’s Buy An Island  – finally purchased Coffee Caye, an island in the heart of Belize, a hidden gem in the Caribbean. We now own this island in full. When you invest you own part of this island. The next phase is developing the island […]

Moving forward with our project!

Getting our island right before Christmas and New Year was a great achievement. We were determined that 2019 would be the last year we did not own an island, and we all managed to pull it off at the end. Of course, not everyone could be there but it was great to see OUR people […]

We Bought an Island

In early 2018, a small group of people got together with the aim to crowd fund buying an island somewhere, anywhere… In fact, to begin with things were a bit vague. The plan was to get roughly 120 people to invest $3250 and raise $400k to buy an island. Then we would add infrastructure and […]