When starting any project, or indeed your very own nation, one of the most important things is getting yourself out there. Getting people to recognise your new project, or indeed your new great nation is part of the challenge.
It is with this in mind that we invite our 59 investors, almost 200 citizens, and all followers of Let’s Buy An Island to print our flag and to try and take it (with picture evidence) to far flung corners of the earth.
At the moment the legendary Flo is winning by having our flag presented on the Principality of Sealand. In early November a brave group of Islandians will be traveling to Bir Tawil to plant the flag on this unclaimed area.
Everyone that takes a photo with our flag with have their picture published on our social media channels to great acclaim.
But, that is not all! We will be running this as a competition with the winner receiving the honorary title of Duke/Duchess.
To enter the competition simply print out the flag (at your own cost sorry, any size will do, and send your photo to admin@letsbuyanisland.com from where we will publish you and the flag.
The competition will run from now until December 15th, meaning that whoever the winner is will receive a great Christmas present!
Make your poses as outlandish as you want but please show some respect to the flag and our values, we are after all Islandians!
We await with baited breath for the flurry of awesome photos destined to come our way.