Do you want to buy an island? If you’re on this website and reading this article then you have more than likely arrived here because you have more than a passing interest in owning an island.
For our members at least this idea went past casual interest and morphed into us creating a group to crowd fund buying our island, namely Coffee Caye, which you can read more information about here.
Sure things got slowed down by Covid-19, but not only have we survived, but we have thrived. As things stand we not only own island in full, but sooner rather than later we hope to be able to start with the next exciting step, developing it – for now watch this space.
We have also decided to embark on some other cool projects, such as helping others to buy islands.
How do you buy an island?

We have previously written about this, but buying an island is nowhere near as complicated as most people think, although the simplicity of it does depend greatly on where you buy said island, one of the reasons we settled for the relative simplicity of registering ours in Belize.
Going through this process has also taught us a lot about how to go through the process of buying an island as a simple person, or group, rather than through the lens of a being a multi-millionaire.
To learn more we sincerely suggest you check out the Podcast where our very own Jodie Hill explains more about the process. You can check that out here.
Want to buy an island? Let us help you!
It was through this process that led us organically towards our next project. For the rich and famous out there buying an affordable island is easy. Quite simply when you have millions at your disposal everything is easy, but what if you want to buy a cheap island? What is the process for buying an island for just a few hundred thousand dollars, or even $50,000?

Well going through this process meant that we had to go through not only looking at numerous islands, but also funding out what had to be done legally in multiple jurisdictions. Yes, we are experts at buying affordable islands.
IBG Inc. Launches International Islands
Our new website is a little bit threadbare, but this is very much a work in progress. The essential idea is simple enough though IBG Inc., the parent company runs the LBI project have launched International Islands as a way for us to advertise affordable islands (under one million dollars), as well as act as a consultancy to help you view and ideally purchase your dream island.
We know what it is like to buy an island because we have done it before, hopefully this means that we will be able to help others do the same, be it single buyers, or fellow folks such as ourselves who have clubbed together as a group to crowd fund buying an island.
We are still very much fleshing out this project, but in the time being feel free to get n touch if you are looking for help in purchasing your own tropical island.