Concept in Korean
많은 사람들은 섬을 소유하는 꿈을 꾸어 왔습니다.평화롭게, 안심하게, 바쁜 세상은 잠시 잊어두고, 어제의 힘들었던 일들을 깨끗하게 잊을 수 있는 아름다운 섬을 말입니다.하지만 유지비용이 많이 들고, 관리 시간 또한 많이 필요해서 지금까지 대부분 사람에게 불가능해왔습니다. IBG inc는 같은 마음 가지고 있는 여행자와 투자자들의 국제 사회입니다.우리 회사는 감당할 수 있는 가격으로 많은 섬을 소유하는 혜택들을 제공할 수 […]
Concept in Russian / О нашем проекте
У многих есть мечта купить свой остров, получить возможность временной изоляции, чтобы отключиться от сложного мира и повседневной жизни, отдохнуть от забот. Однако островная недвижимость недоступна большинству из-за высокой стоимости и затрат на управление.
Concept in Ukrainian
Купівля острова / Buying An Island Цей проект триває більше десяти років.Починаючи як розмова між друзями, ця ідея перетворилася з бажаного на серйозний – якщо амбіційний – бізнес-план.Тепер острівна мрія, нарешті, реальність, і ми хочемо, щоб ви були її частиною. Чи готові ви приєднатися до нас? Are you Ready to join us зв’яжіться з нами, […]
Concept in Polish
Kupowanie wyspy / Buying An Island Ten projekt powstał ponad dekadę.Począwszy od rozmowy z przyjaciółmi, przekształciło się z myślenia życzeniowego w serio – jeśli ambitny – biznesplan.Teraz marzenie o wyspie jest w końcu rzeczywistością i chcemy, abyś był jej częścią. Czy jesteś gotowy, aby do nas dołączyć? / Are you ready to join us skontaktuj […]
Important Dates for IBG Inc, Islandia, and you
As discussed in my last blog’s piece on our timetable of buying an island, we have some dates that are more set in stone, whilst others are more hypothetical, or reliant on other things. Here I will review and remind of some upcoming dates that are either set in stone, or at least very probable. […]
Castle Island – Why We Love it, and Why We Aren’t Going For It
This is a tough blog post to write… and I mean really, really tough. Recently we stumbled across an apparent gem of a property, a half-acre island for sale in Ireland via an obscure auction. The property sits on a lake in the northern part of the country, a short drive from populous counties and […]
Buying an island regardless – and what that means in practical terms
Since the very beginning, when we first started to discuss the prospect of crowdfunding buying an island,to when we first started to actively collect money, it was decided that as soon as we hit 50 paid up members (deposit paid), we would be “buying regardless”. This is something that has been enshrined during our chats […]
Building A Micro-Nation
Principality Of Islandia’s National Foundation Kickstarter Imminent
Tapping into trends in Tourism
As traditional tourist destinations become more and more crowded, many travelers are seeking destinations away from the crowd. Whether that is Belfast in UK, Sevilla in Spain, or Chernobyl that has many tour companies. Palestine was high in demand tourist destination in the world in 2017. As well as Iran and Jordan. While eastern Europe […]
What is IBG, LBI, and everything?
IBG Inc. (“IBG”) is the corporation behind the Principality of Islandia project. Founded in the Cayman Islands, IBG has a broad mandate to find, purchase, develop and rent private island experiences around the world. At a certain point, most people dream of owning a private estate. Some dream of a private island. But few can […]